Mobile Apps Development Company Website
Mobile Apps Development Company Quasarts offers now its services and its expertise to other businesses and companies who want to create their mobile App. Quasarts produces high quality applications and offer premium services to its clients. Thanks to...
App Version 1.0.4 published. New free objects and furnitures to improve House Design
New update for our House Design App. Version 1.0.4 ! A direct link to the appStore.. Keyplan 3D got stability improvements. We keep working hard to provide you with the best home design app for your iPhone & iPad. You can rate our app for this new...
Our New House Design Software for iPad & iPhone updated !
New update for Keyplan 3D. Version 1.0.3 is out ! A direct link to the appStore.. Our House design software got stability and speed usage improvements. We keep working hard to provide you with the best home design app for your iPhone & iPad. You can...
Keyplan 3D on the Appstore !
Here it is ! Keyplan 3D available on Appstore ! Enjoy, create, paint, build, share with your friends or family and let us know what you think about our application. New objects, updates, unique features, and more to come soon. This is just the beginning...
Keyplan 3D soon on the App Store
After our previous news regarding the beta version of Keyplan 3D, we continued to polish on the application. The latest debugging session has been done during the past 2 months. Our app is finally submitted ! This App Store submission concern the following...
Keyplan 3D in beta version
Quasarts is proud to announce than its interior design application for iPad Keyplan 3D will soon enter in a beta phase. 2 years of development have been necessary to imagine a real next gen interior design application. Quasarts main values are "user...